USP: Success is for All – ESSWG π Rise Early They rise early before the sun. This is head-on hour for them. To prime. To take and make the day. Hydrate Well Understanding the life science, they hydrate well. Whatever the choice maybe, cold water or warm water. Warm is
Read MoreUSP : πSmile, it improves Your Face Value Quote : ESSWG / Self “Happiness is a Skill, And Exists Tax-Free”. Meet and Greet: Greet others with a Smile than just as a pinned formality. This is not about those from your surroundings who run away from you early morning with
Read MoreMicro-FLUENCERS value their Impact than Cost Quote I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. Lost almost 200 games. 26 times trusted to the game winning shot and missed it. I have failed over and over again in my LIFE. And that is why I succeed – Michael
Read MoreIn quoting others , we cite ourselves- Julio Cortazar Smart Investment: Bring home some animated toys that will engage the child, transform-your-space-into-a-super-productive-wfh-bubble/ Educational aid: Get posters of animals such as dog, cats, horse, elephant. Work-parenting woes : You know the time to feed. So schedule this well. It will save
Read MoreDigitization today-more about attention spans and creativity Robust Business Support: Collaborate with stakeholders to better know their needs and challenges. Use data and Analytics to determine optimum solutions for driving growth and accordingly design strategy for delivering to their needs and for economic expansion. Perfect E-mail length: According to Neil
Read MoreUSP : Use the device, don’t get used by it. Getting tired soon: Lessened stamina and lower energy level on regular basis. You get tired soon. Poor temperament: Fight or flight situation becomes second nature. Less patience to hear out. Less time to fully listen and process. More rush to
Read MoreBy the way, Make your way Sometimes, the first step is the hardest one. – Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers Mobility Check: Whatever your niche, moderate the routines, and binge on the practices. Do them well, either routine or non-routine. Doing regular squats helps keep your mobility in check
Read MoreFarm-to-fork plan for memorable holidays QUOTE: “Its never too late to be what you might have been” George Elliot Get your What -IF’s done in advance : Tune in your watches to meet and greet the new time zone of arrival point. Leaving behind gadgets such as desktops and tablets
Read MoreFocus Conserving Tailored Roadmap TAYLOR SWIFT – I have this really high priority on happiness, and finding something to be happy about…My ultimate goal is to be happy most of the time. – π₯ Social Media: You surface dive and without much thought don’t realize as to when the
Read MoreUSP : Monday Blues – Self – limiting, Monday Greens – Self – uplifting Install Growth Mindset: Consistency is the DNA of Mastery. And Consistency is a function of relentless Practice. Converting Monday Blues to Greens is no longer a common behavioral trait. It is need of the hour for
Read MoreUSP – Nurse pain points first, business will follow… Develop human connections: Direct face to face contact feeling. Like having business meeting across the table than having it online. Looses its ability to penetrate to base of the business issue. No doubt business savvy icons like Jeff Bezos discouraged use
Read MoreRAMP UP NOTES: USP : Ghosting, Rejection , Gauge. QUOTE – Benjamin Disraeli: LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE LITTLE. 1.Flashing Catchy messages. The messages are drafted with good research done. You are roped in most of the times. If you are emotional by nature and on lookout badly, you
Read MoreAn Attitude of Gratitude-tells a lot more RICHARD BRANSON: 2 words that set apart a class of successful entrepreneurs from the usual swarm is EMOTIONAL INTELLEGENCE Ingratitude successfully beams over the top appearing and prevalent in the online world for several reasons: Benefit of Anonymity: Online anonymity allows people to
Read More“I’ve learnt it is important to not to limit yourself. You can do whatever you love to do, no matter what it is”. RYAN GOSLING Gut-tuition Focus on and align with your gut-tuition. It could take you places. Many times intuition drives us but we put it away thinking no
Read MoreStay in control of your mail inbox overload
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