
  • Quick-fixes to alienate your mailbox Overload

    Quick-fixes to alienate your mailbox Overload

    Stay in control of your mail inbox overload

  • Top ways to control impatience while waiting for something important or expecting that awaited call.

    Top ways to control impatience while waiting for something important or expecting that awaited call.

    Impatience Mindgames: It is the mindgame. So slow your racing mind. We are patience deficient and our current life choices lead it. Wait, sit down in a couch with some engaging material to read. Rub your hands. Give yourself a generous stretch or loosen your neck. Rotate your shoulders. Reach

  • How these 10 plus habits drain your MY Time

    How these 10 plus habits drain your MY Time

    This post is designed to guide for your full-on self-renewal. Topped with new and self written quote speech bubbles to serve beyond better. Solution are like minions. Look around and they start jumping around you all over- -Self None of items discussed ahead are personal to anyone. These are collection

  • Positive brainers to optimize credit card clicks and get liquid rich

    Positive brainers to optimize credit card clicks and get liquid rich

    What led me to come up with this idea and write this post is as follows. The mechanisms and areas to focus so that you can use your credit cards judiciously.Wow that was great. Thankful. For it taught me well. Plan better: Chart projected expense trajectory. Track and align with

  • Anti-fragile comfort zone busting hacks

    Anti-fragile comfort zone busting hacks

    Bar-raise yourself everyday: Let your personal bar be daily upped. Don’t let it gradually fade into a maze of prcastination led cubicles. Make variations. Invest wisely and judiciously .Get trained. There are several economical and high quality engines and blogs out there. Perseverance is yours and you have to do

  • Apply ways to Cancel noise and Up your productivity

    Apply ways to Cancel noise and Up your productivity

    We all know noise is a health hazard. Health is as precious to our well being as much are our finances and livelihood. Health directly influences our productivity. Do you know that noise induced hearing loss is irreversible. Noise level above 115 decibels smartly presents noise induced hearing loss. Weaken

  • Smile seamless this recession with LESS IS MORE

    Smile seamless this recession with LESS IS MORE

    Quote- MARCUS-AURELIUS : TO REFRAIN FROM IMITATION IS THE BEST REVENGE Distraction antidote Optimize on selective attention. Take help of your mental checklist as a basic guideline. Do not fall to jugglery of all the intermix the social media has to innocently offer. Less distraction and lessened procrastination. 33 How

  • Life-Changing doables to nail anger and up productivity

    Life-Changing doables to nail anger and up productivity

    Marcus Aurelius Quote- β€œYou have power over your mind, not outside events”. This post is designed to help many there improve to avoid getting in routine visible anger or frustration mode. I derive inspiration form late Steve Jobs in this. He had 3 simple yet magical words that catapulted to

  • 10 tell-tale behaviors that speak you are smart

    10 tell-tale behaviors that speak you are smart

    Smartness is a energy intensive term. I think more of it when connecting with others. According to me smartness is about these simple yet organic traits some people vibrate on. And generously radiate it to serve their surrounding environment. At work, at home, at play or factory. Warren Buffett said:

  • Workplace Chat-nots what and what not to

    Workplace Chat-nots  what and what not to

    Keeping your creative buds secured   Quote : “Your focus should be to get better at what you are doing, Everything else is complete wastage of time” – Marcus Aurelius Workplace Chat-nots: Do you know that several years ago average person used only 10 percent of his potential, other 90

  • Go for roadmap to extend longevity and ace vigor

    Go for roadmap to extend longevity and ace vigor

    Barrier free life design strategy β€œYou don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Zig Ziglar. Brain wiring & firing Here we touch base and take off with the topic of extending of your longevity. How several lifestyle factors determine its influence. Mediterranean

  • Picks for stress free outings

    Picks for stress free outings

    Takeaway Stay-Cation Ideas What -IF: Tune in your watches to meet and greet the new time zone of arrival point. Leaving behind gadgets such as desktops and tablets for charging on suspended shelves can turn into a surprise. For when you return from that go-to outing, you may find it

My all new Author central page in Amazon. All e-books under one url now.

Have a FREE Quick Look and drop a line or feel free to comment.

My books are now 12 in number and the number is expected to keep growing. Excited to share my insights in each book that will keep adding value to your daily life at work and in person. Each book is designed to leave you better than when you dived into the book.

This is static landing page of my Latest e-book to shortly join Amazon Author page.

Keeping your creative energies conserved

Getaways and Staycations

Detach, Soak, Revel

KAIZEN-The grow more tool.

The Grow-More Tool

Unfold your wellbeing toolkit:

Extend Longevity and Ace Vigour

ZEN up your remote work model :

Leading thoughts-e book


Change your thoughts and reshape your reality

How awareness can save you loads of money- e book


Know Your Means

How to write your e- book-


Live your life:


Dump Comparison, Maximize Impact



Enriching lives relentlessly

Aspire to Inspire – Hardcover only.It is on Amazon and on publishers website(Zorba books)


Dudes rigor and vigour combo for habit formation

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