
10 tell-tale behaviors that speak you are smart

Smartness is a energy intensive term. I think more of it when connecting with others.

According to me smartness is about these simple yet organic traits some people vibrate on. And generously radiate it to serve their surrounding environment. At work, at home, at play or factory.

Warren Buffett said: “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say NO to almost everything.

Unselfish Outlook:

Smart people are confident. They back others or the younger lot. They selflessly lay foundation for others to peak their performance. They generously share their key learnings. As well as consistently promote the drive that others nail and exceed their own achievements. Insecurity has no space on their bucket list.Exclusives to consider for your frequent flight selection

Value by Impact :

Smart people quickly understand the value by impact status. They politely rollout the options. Keep cards open for others to pitch in their voice. Unbiased evaluation of viable options at disposal. Gel out with win-win situations for their teams, internal and external customers. 6 savvy ways to biz-bond at workplace

Foresee future trendlines:

Champions of empathy and shrewd at business. Ability to foresee trendlines over next decade in their craft is their hallmark. Carve and live with the big picture. Set their vision around it. They consistently inspire their near and dear ones at work and play. They generously give out their positive goodies so that new generations learn improvise. So all continue to evolve and grow.

Saying No:

Ability to say NO where required is a quality that separates common lot from the 2 % . Refer video by Warren Buffet and he will tell you this. Some people keep giving strategic excuses instead of saying NO to an offer. There are several silent and vocal means of saying and understanding the NO. 11 shrewd takes Star Execs employ to say NO.

Emotional Maturity:

Smart individuals are emotionally mature. They cherish that freedom is more than skin deep .They accept flaws. They believe in constructive criticism. They respect that failures are victories in disguise, helping to learn. They stay polite. They neither burn bridges. Nor nurture grudges. They avoid promoting people based talk than theme talk.How cool bosses lead BIG without title

Friend-Philosopher Guide:


Smart persons derive joy by helping others. Personally and professionally. They know it meaningfully helps strengthen the business further .By building on trust and camaraderie. And gives a example attitude. For future incumbents to follow and revamp on. 31 simple picks to churn out that winning bio


I don’t much shy in seeking help from others when stuck.. Or asking a question in presence of many. It clears off the fog once and for all. Nobody has time to recollect that i did not know this answer. It is game of my mind.

Disown Camp Culture:

They disown camp culture in their lifecycle. Irrespective of age, colour, gender, possessions, region or so forth. Recommendation does not influence their integrity. They are impartial on evaluation. Open ended on recognition. They are about the growth of environment or project they work on. Than limiting it to self-focus. There is where their untiring energy forte lies.6 flags to know of toxic workplace culture

Ice breakers:


The room is full of new people. Most not knowing one another. To connect across boundaries becomes a challenge. An intermix by hues of hesitation ,ego, judgment and the mental vices. It is great to set the ball rolling. Connect across boundaries. One who sets the tone generally ends up as lead by end of the event.

Recognition Machines:

Giving loads of credit to the deserving candidate is a come along-with of smart people. They don’t leave a petal unturned in recognizing good work. There are several examples where essence is captured from others. And Ends up saying I did it. Smart people don’t rest on micro-laurels. They renew endlessly. So they are confident. So be it writing that generous and original review for a professional leading edge service your purchased. Or a near impossible task accomplished just before the timeline.



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Email: surjit@livepeaked.com


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10 tell-tale behaviors that speak you are smart