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Read MoreTop ways to control impatience while waiting for something important or expecting that awaited call.
Impatience Mindgames: It is the mindgame. So slow your racing mind. We are patience deficient and our current life choices lead it. Wait, sit down in a couch with some engaging material to read. Rub your hands. Give yourself a generous stretch or loosen your neck. Rotate your shoulders. Reach
Read MoreThis post is designed to guide for your full-on self-renewal. Topped with new and self written quote speech bubbles to serve beyond better. Solution are like minions. Look around and they start jumping around you all over- -Self None of items discussed ahead are personal to anyone. These are collection
Read MoreWhat led me to come up with this idea and write this post is as follows. The mechanisms and areas to focus so that you can use your credit cards judiciously.Wow that was great. Thankful. For it taught me well. Plan better: Chart projected expense trajectory. Track and align with
Read MoreBar-raise yourself everyday: Let your personal bar be daily upped. Don’t let it gradually fade into a maze of prcastination led cubicles. Make variations. Invest wisely and judiciously .Get trained. There are several economical and high quality engines and blogs out there. Perseverance is yours and you have to do
Read MoreWe all know noise is a health hazard. Health is as precious to our well being as much are our finances and livelihood. Health directly influences our productivity. Do you know that noise induced hearing loss is irreversible. Noise level above 115 decibels smartly presents noise induced hearing loss. Weaken
Read MoreQuote- MARCUS-AURELIUS : TO REFRAIN FROM IMITATION IS THE BEST REVENGE Distraction antidote Optimize on selective attention. Take help of your mental checklist as a basic guideline. Do not fall to jugglery of all the intermix the social media has to innocently offer. Less distraction and lessened procrastination. 33 How
Read MoreMarcus Aurelius Quote- βYou have power over your mind, not outside events”. This post is designed to help many there improve to avoid getting in routine visible anger or frustration mode. I derive inspiration form late Steve Jobs in this. He had 3 simple yet magical words that catapulted to
Read MoreSmartness is a energy intensive term. I think more of it when connecting with others. According to me smartness is about these simple yet organic traits some people vibrate on. And generously radiate it to serve their surrounding environment. At work, at home, at play or factory. Warren Buffett said:
Read MoreKeeping your creative buds secured Quote : “Your focus should be to get better at what you are doing, Everything else is complete wastage of time” – Marcus Aurelius Workplace Chat-nots: Do you know that several years ago average person used only 10 percent of his potential, other 90
Read MoreBarrier free life design strategy βYou donβt have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.β Zig Ziglar. Brain wiring & firing Here we touch base and take off with the topic of extending of your longevity. How several lifestyle factors determine its influence. Mediterranean
Read MoreTakeaway Stay-Cation Ideas What -IF: Tune in your watches to meet and greet the new time zone of arrival point. Leaving behind gadgets such as desktops and tablets for charging on suspended shelves can turn into a surprise. For when you return from that go-to outing, you may find it
Read MoreStay aware and multiply savings Financial Wisdom: Work and work towards developing more number of streams of passive income. Better put the returns you get from this mode of income be led into use for likes of regular bills, professional memberships, seminars, workshops, digital learnings, and tuition / coaching fee
Read MoreLet good thoughts be your shift cornerstone. Seneca, the stoic philosopher said β We often suffer more in imagination than in realityβ This post is in the form of bullet points to enable easy selection of those ideas that help you better practicably. Productivity leads Prevention through design Drafting and
Read MoreInvest sustainably for universal longevity Quote: Without the rich heart, Wealth is only a beggar – Emerson Luxury cars often filter into investment stream due to its high resale value unlike regular vehicles. That depreciate at cost with time due to several number of models being added in rapid pace.
Read MoreDissecting Lifestyle choices impacts Quote : Young man, make your name worth something. By Andrew Carnegie Calling routine: You are tied up with your routine but have a long pending call to make to a contact or a business contact or a personal contact. Where you probably need to even
Read MoreRich mix ways of suave Icons Quote : Life is too short to play small – Robin Sharma With ever changing business landscape, successful individuals relentlessly seeking to add fleet of highly skilled employees to their teams. These employees ( new and experienced) are expected to renew the company skyline
Read MoreWorkplace verbal no-no’s for growth Thank you first for visiting my domain. Quote : “Your focus should be to get better at what you are doing, Everything else is complete wastage of time” – Marcus Aurelius Do you know that as per briantracy several years ago average person used only
Read MoreTAKE EARLY YOUR ABUNDANCE FLIGHT Quote – It’s never too late to be what you might have been” George Eliot Soar Your Wellness: Health is Wealth is adage, ages ago ,and still stands firm in the face of truth and test of times. To rise early before the sun. This
Read MoreCrack the opportunity Stay Original: Don’t veer and copy from any other resume online. You will reduce your original effectiveness in this case. Let the word be professional and at the same time and lead the reader to visualize of technical mettle in your field. Your charisma is your own
Read MoreRoadmap to Get cash-rich. Money Saving Quote by Warren Buffet : “Don’t save what is left after spending, Spend what is left after saving”. Financial Wisdom: Work and have number of streams of passive income. The returns you get from this income should be used for regular bills and fees
Read MoreJournaling techniques to get you going Quantum Few simple questions to challenge you on journaling. HOW MANY MINUTES CAN YOU INVEST PER DAY TO JOURNAL? ONSCALE OF 1 TO 10 HOW MUCH IS YOUR INTEREST TO SCALE YOUR SELF WORTH? DO YOUR ACTION STEPS BASED ON YOUR FUTURE SELF? WHAT
Read MoreGet best updated in your field. Quote – Running through the walls Mark Zuckerberg Lean Mean Ways: Learn what contemporary products are there in the market. Study them. Explore their cutting edge features. Deep-focus on your outstanding positives. Do not be shy from vulnerability and accept on the major failures
Read MoreKaizen , a Japanese win-win tool to business and employees. Quote : ” People may not remember exactly what you did, Or What you said, but, they will always remember how you made them feel“ – Maya Angelou Kaizen is a Total Quality Management Tool of Japanese origin. Kaizen means
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