Mindfulness People Self-Enrichment

Habits that destroy your quality TiMe

None of items discussed ahead are personal to anyone. These are collections of experiences to share. So the audience picks insights. Topped potions of humour. podcast/missing-out-early-on-health-a-enabler-podcast/ Here are 10 habits that add to destroying precious fourth dimension of your life, your My Time. There are many more. Continuing will morph

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Mindfulness People Self-Enrichment

Top ways to control impatience while waiting for something important or expecting that awaited call.

Impatience Mindgames: It is the mindgame. So slow your racing mind. We are patience deficient and our current life choices lead it. Wait, sit down in a couch with some engaging material to read. Rub your hands. Give yourself a generous stretch or loosen your neck. Rotate your shoulders. Reach

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