
Deconstruct your mornings for unstoppable comeback

USP: No quote or image is personal,it is only for sharing.It does take good thought to extract each suitable one from my directory.

I am programmed on the morning mill on auto pilot since early childhood.

I would rush down 3 floor levels with a can of milk to refill from a shop little far and pick our newspaper for day ,ascend back 3 floor levels. Then go to school by 0730am.How cool bosses lead BIG without title. It taught me leaps and bounds.

Distraction woes:

Manny of us start our day with WhatsApp messages. With our favorite media channels. We nowadays are impatient. Initial 2 to 3 seconds decide to browse ahead or to change the website. Get a curious and light peek into 20 Insane quantum distraction de-sizing buy-ins so you make better start of the day.

Frills of variety:

I am mainly a vegetarian with lot of variety to savour. Mainly home made, sometimes outside. Less thick ,more light. Breakfast changes are sometimes, porridge with few honey drops ,dosas, millet roti, and so on, yes oats at times. Key spice-Ketchup, sauces, jams, dressings are no- no due to strategic taste they surface-offer with less considered impacts parked aside.

And all credit to my family who cooks all 3 meals almost daily. Edibles contain no extra topping of sugar,salt or preservatives. As it is we dont know the quantum of inorganic comes in with nowadays natural food.

Not complaining, just sharing for aid to my audience.

Change in wake up and sleep cycles until required makes an upheaval. Sometimes, fine if benefits in multitude. Food is about one’s own choice and respect all for it. Sharing one tip here .Mobility with basic exercises over the day more vital than hard grinding.

Saw video of a 109 yr.old,who says, Love what you eat. A positive and happy frame of mind is epitome of results sought. For general fitness i mean.

Kindly Share if helped on your lookahead ,appreciate if you,give a comment on what you relates or feedback.

Let us traverse some part of the rocky terrain,

Regular Rumblers:

  • A early morning thought saying ok man, leave it today, Sleep more. See it tomorrow. Another counter thought says some other day, c’mon up today .Yes, won it over again,9 simple go-for picks to help you nail a bad day
  • Family members or colleagues persuading to stop this early morning thing,
  • Varying levels of energy on day to day basis,
  • Succumb to late-night tv or Netflix .Things I coolly am able to stay away from. Fortunately no Netflix or amazon subscription in my list,
  • Running after the day instead of owning it. No way dear,
  • On outstation visit and in vicinity of those at loggerheads with your morning activity profile,
  • Disturbance to others due to movement ,creaky noise of doors recklessly closed, use of running water. Fortunately, it is better with me. Recollect colleagues on offshore barges telling me you move around like a cat. No sound produced,
  • Undiluted Practice to be the mission,
  • Challenge of space availability a regular constraint for those most living in small spaces

Inspiration Pie:

With lot of inspiration dosage and insights now on the media, filter what suits you the best.

Chalk your own program. Invest, learn and get help.


Recognize, frill ,savour, DNA.

Leave your comments, or share.

So all in the loop capture insights , pool them in and grow.




#@by the way,this is the way

Deconstruct your mornings for unstoppable comeback

USP: No quote or image is personal,it is only for sharing.It does take good thought to extract each suitable one from my directory. I am programmed on the morning mill on auto pilot since early childhood. I would rush down 3 floor levels with a can of milk to refill