We all know noise is a health hazard. Health is as precious to our well being as much are our finances and livelihood. Health directly influences our productivity. Do you know that noise induced hearing loss is irreversible. Noise level above 115 decibels smartly presents noise induced hearing loss. Weaken
Read MoreQuote- MARCUS-AURELIUS : TO REFRAIN FROM IMITATION IS THE BEST REVENGE Distraction antidote Optimize on selective attention. Take help of your mental checklist as a basic guideline. Do not fall to jugglery of all the intermix the social media has to innocently offer. Less distraction and lessened procrastination. 33 How
Read MoreWhat a powerful question it was. Yes,the question is this post title . Value to Impact, Give back first. As per Steve Jobs while at Apple, he turned the digital flat into a raving market mobile. With three simple words “Help them improve”. Many say “Keep it simple”. Before deep-diving
Read MoreMarcus Aurelius Quote- โYou have power over your mind, not outside events”. This post is designed to help many there improve to avoid getting in routine visible anger or frustration mode. I derive inspiration form late Steve Jobs in this. He had 3 simple yet magical words that catapulted to
Read MoreSmartness is a energy intensive term. I think more of it when connecting with others. According to me smartness is about these simple yet organic traits some people vibrate on. And generously radiate it to serve their surrounding environment. At work, at home, at play or factory. Warren Buffett said:
Read MorePassion is more about driving your overall growth. Imagine ,great if you can help others also grow and expand. Chart your Core values. Craft them Unfazed and unmoved. The happiness of your life depends on quality of your thoughts – Michael Aurelius 1.Plan Smart : Get your clear picture of
Read More“Loose an hour in the morning and spend the entire day looking for it- Richard Whately Dawn Primer: A great morning start, to unwind and uncoil. Leave that bed on or before first alarm. Not to hit snoozer and pretend it won’t ring again. A silent and submissive prayer of
Read MoreInstal alpha habits. Habit formation is what all it is about today. Guys, my parents taught me these in 1970 around. Get up at dawn at 0600am. Rush down 3 storeys to get milk and newspaper. Ascend jumping. Get b fast and off to school again walking. Comparison is disease
Read MoreAs a time-bound tourist, you may have a flight to catch or event to make up to or dictated by medical history. Guess what ? I have found the perfect medical center. Letsgrow-16 reliable ways to peak in on-vacation wellbeing. This post is customized for you with complementary tips for
Read MoreWelcome , Visitor does not last more than 9 seconds on your homepage. What you get when going for a blog audit. This is a possible question a struggling hustler may ask. But believe me if your are serious to amplify your blog quality, you better get an audit done
Read MoreSay you have a successful online business. Today is your day to release that weekly post.By hit of a button. And you are on a planned holiday. The wifi suddenly gives away. Follow these mindful hacks if you loose WI-fI connectivity all of a sudden, https://letsreachsuccess.teachable.com/p/fearless-content/?affcode=213896_u__dpflo Go to check your
Read MorePick ways on how journaling sharpens your online business. Adds next-gen emotions to it. 1.Arrest positive thoughts. Helps trap and capture positive outcomes. 2.Ingrains that less is more -Steve Jobs and Pablo Picasso exercised this in their works. This is what made them exemplary.6 rare behaviors that speak your happiness
Read MoreWarren Buffet the the mega-investment stalwart said ” The difference between successful and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything“. Here are some of the 11 shrewd aids that Star Execs use to say NO. To a proposal they don’t get inspired by. 1.
Read MoreJust allow me to share these shrewd insights to help you smarten home purchase. Lot of this content is my first hand experience. I seek to help you out with these few cautionary and eye-opening insights. Shrewd insights: Well before you get captured by endless beauty of a sample house.
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