Mindfulness People

Mindful Gigs to calibrate an awesome day

“Loose an hour in the morning and spend the entire day looking for it- Richard Whately

Dawn Primer:

Polish Your Neurons

A great morning start, to unwind and uncoil. Leave that bed on or before first alarm. Not to hit snoozer and pretend it won’t ring again. A silent and submissive prayer of gratitude no sooner you are up in the 90 degree position. Clears up the streaks of negativity awaiting to bait on your being.

Wellness Peak :

A new body or machine workout model you came across on you-tube and learnt. The over and beyond you scaled in your victory hour mill at dawn outbreak today. The next peak wellness moment you long to learn, nail and experience,

Here is a freebie of Chris Heria Workout video link for those short of time. Bodyweight type. Things you can nail without gym and equipments .So you get guided to be in shape by every passing day. https://youtu.be/bDjeRqqQu2A?t=99.

Technical Wisdom:

An exclusive and high importance idea you have held to yourself for some period. Assuming it will not be effective. Assume makes an ass of you and me. So unfold it wisely to crack that technical jigsaw at work today. In a forum key persons record it coming directly from you. Any prior 2nd or 3rd party decision may dilute the original impact. Tomorrow someone learns from somewhere and cracks it open. You miss the unexpected recognition here. Nobody else limits one’s outreach except we ourselves.

8 morning riders as your positive mind influencer

Influencer Engines :

Be grateful and thank your mentors. Leverage credit to eminent visionaries and influencers in league of following luminaries :



letsreachsuccess.com as and where possible. Reach their work and learn the super-helpful insights these persons have to gift to the surrounding environment. Relentlessly day by day .Areas where you are stuck at flow and need help on. What you want to learn and how to impact your niche .Here you pave way where to earn rounded goodwill from the Universe.

Deck up on hill of your skill than orbit-ize around multitude of talent pools.

To granulate, visit quote of Sundar Pichai-CEO , Google-“Reward efforts than outcome”

A mindful life strategy you crafted to uptick your business. The subscriptions you gel with. The knowledge these posts share. In addition to the organic traffic and sale funnel trajectory. Give your audience bonus. Design and re-design service strategy for renewable customer return. Customer willingness to return and retention is a measure of your work strength. Than the quarters of anxiety involved through in kindling and dwindling of traffic volumes.

Level Stress:

Being emotionally earthed and well grounded. Promote open door communication. Disown and abandon camp culture.

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teams stack hands of support

Recognize efforts towards improvement. Transparent and impartial in making strengths and weaknesses cleared and understood. Send groupism out of the window for a toss. Embrace and practice leadership with empathy.

6 flags to know of toxic workplace culture

Attach achievements to gratitude. Sport humane persona. Orientate well on productivity. Encourage and believe in being well rested.

Comparison Woes:

Stay away as much as possible from comparison. Comparison is a disease promoting vector. It weakens you. Contaminates your vibrations. Weakens your mind and body. A primary decelerator that progressively encodes the habit of excess spending. May also be major contributor of stress ingress. Reduces self respect. Inhibits confidence. Affects self-worth. More than 50 percent of lifestyle related diseases find pathway in our lives due to stress.

11 simple ways to optimise poor financial times

Core Values:

Your core values are what your wiring is composed of. It is visible through the word selection that define your core values. The core values that you make and list. Map . Align. Renew these like second nature. When you are the admin, you can re-energize your webpage to your convenience . Your business tagline. Giving it birth and re-birth. Maybe your core value re-design lies in an insight of a 3rd party post you are reading,

Gratitude Enzymes:

An act of gratitude per day you seek to offer to the Universe and your surroundings. Arrest those time slots and jot down in your book. Carry your rough book to jot those crisp yet volatile thoughts. Rewind and dig in your gratitude book often. Recollect an act of kindness to you by someone. Recap the goodies you gave away to some needy today. Wish it gives them better alignment. Returns it adds to your happiness quotient.


Let me know your thoughts.

Some more gaps to bridge.

E-mail : surjit@livepeaked.com