Peak Productivity

Now score massive on customer feedback by smart buy-in checklists

By end of this post, you would agree that checklists are potential business partners. Checklists drive business score .Non-living but live. They offer pros and cons.


Gives readymade guidelines.

Does not allow fallout.

Disallows to veer from path.

Maintains the flow of processes.

Helps upkeep sequence of priorities.

Especially helpful in the work from times. Due to restricted general movement outdoors.transform-your-space-into-a-super-productive-wfh-bubble

Refer on TED Talks to Angela Duckworth’s work and her array of books for first hand knowledge from writer.

Helps to arrive at end result in a systematic manner.

Keeps planned scope of work intact.

Injects a concrete sense of security.

Reduces anxiety of failure.


Presents tunnel vision.

Disables brainstorming and reduces velocity of mental engines.

Drives assumption that anticipated covers adequate backup.

Limits thought-scape widening.

Prevents thinking out of the box.

Primes mind to operate within pre-set limits.

Enables to act and deliver unexpected from one self insanely simple tips to supplement brainpower

Restricts from thinking further ahead.

Limits venturing into the beyond space.

Inhibits the thinking beyond perspective.

Allows critical aspects to escape unaddressed. Even experts are likely to fall prey on this.


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