Mindfulness People

Positive brainers to optimize credit card clicks and get liquid rich

What led me to come up with this idea and write this post is as follows. The mechanisms and areas to focus so that you can use your credit cards judiciously.Wow that was great. Thankful. For it taught me well.

Plan better:

Chart projected expense trajectory. Track and align with it as the month cruises ahead.

Payout Control:

Unchecked use may soon lead to cumulative buildup of interest carryover. Tendency to delay checking on it may lead to financial distress. Keep a credit card. but in its right place. Only when required. Uninstal the habit if you want to be liquid rich than card limit rich.

Delay Payment Charges:

Apart from merits offered, the DPC or delayed payment charges in some cases may shoot to 40 percent if not tracked and captured on time.

Store Isolated:

Keep the credit card away in know area. Carry only when there is no other go.

Micros and Macros:

Read more

Substitute macros and micros. Note them down. Sort them out Let lean times weaken. Let plastic offers weaken. Strengthen your base. You can always interchange the micros to macros then.

Debit Card blues:

Muster courage to see the real scenario. See changing figures live as necessary expenses are made. Use debit card more frequently than credit card. Rather minimize its use. So you instal auto-regulation of your expenses every time your hand sinks in interiors of your wallet

Delay expenses:

Postpone most add-ons. Treat many last on bucket list as add-ons. Filter and more items from necessity to comfort zones. And comfort to luxury zones.

EMI downsize strategy:

Flat lay of extra expenses with business model

Do your research. Near and zero-off On what which institution offers on most competitive mode. Start your project with the one that offers the most easily affordable EMI (Equated money instalment).Minimum down-payment charges. No real-time hidden charges.

Saying NO:

For many of us it is STRESS to say NO direct. Some people are too emotional and cannot say NO to what is not convincing. Learn to say NO politely and firmly. Everyone holds choice of hos or her own. How star execs say NO.11 shrewd takes Star Execs employ to say NO

Go-for options:

Select tools such as low interest personal loans from simpler loan providers instead of credit cards. Here be doubly careful of their records, market reputation and establishment status. Be ready for surprises of last minute and unannounced deductions. Stay watchful of your spending bar raised on the card without your information. Tactically leads you to spend more liberally.

Evade platinum rat-race:

Come down from the perch of a rooster class card to a medium or lower level one. You wont loose much. You will get more cautionary feeds by repeated follow-up on promoting outing chills and hoteling frills.

Learn to Listen:

Keep aside multi-task and listen well when receiving promotional marketing calls. Enlist experience trigger notes. Uncover areas untouched .Look for the unspoken parts. Avoid getting mellowed by accents and slangs. Throw back quick questions during upgrade persuasion calls. Make lucrative offer in return.


Let me know if you have questions on this post.

And any other content you are seeking.

Surjit-Founder @surjitletsgrow

url: www.surjitletsgrow.com

Email: touch@surjitletsgrow.com