Anti-fragile comfort zone busting hacks
Bar-raise yourself everyday:
Let your personal bar be daily upped. Don’t let it gradually fade into a maze of prcastination led cubicles. Make variations. Invest wisely and judiciously .Get trained. There are several economical and high quality engines and blogs out there. Perseverance is yours and you have to do the work. Guidelines will be laid out. But you have to do the work.33 How to Optimize your WFH zone into super productive tips
Cognitive incline:
Much frequently read nowadays is do not, or the world decline much in use. This gets driven in out subconscious with a negative groove. Why not address in a positive way. Harp instead on cognitive incline.
Self expansion:
Look less at others. More on your goals and aims.Focus more on projects and themes than n the drama of gossip and games.That is where the value addition is.Is expected from us by the stakeholders.
Recognize your potential:
Comparison weakens. Know your reach. Hone it to expand your outreach. Do a bit of stretch on your key result areas regularly. Here is where recognition of your potential lies. Waiting to be tapped and realized.
Shoal of Achievers:
Being in shoal of achievers will keep you put upwardly mobiles. So less scope for slackness unless you are taking rest with your family. Tow the relentless hard work, struggles and victories of achievers. Say Michael Jordan, Cristiano Ronaldo, Nelson Mandela and the high octane list goes on..
Spice of Curiosity:
Let your recipe of curiosity not loose the flavour. Your existence dressed with layers of curiosity will keep you driven to learn more. Draw your own analysis. Establish your own trendlines. Redefine and surpass your own initial trajectory of good work in your discipline. Recall great performers say “Compare with yourself”.
Beyond expectations:
Under promise and over deliver. Let this be your brand statement. A proven and followed one.
Let your work speak for itself.It is original. A influencer once saw my posts and said “you are writing whatever is coming to your mind. “Thanks I said. Vulnerability teaches and coaches.15 Copy-Paste hacks to lean-on during staycations
Example setting:
Set examples for others to follow. Those which help them to ace rather than ape.Make this your work baseline. Regularly work on to renew its spectrum. financial-freedom-through-blogging/?
Renew Practicably:
With news of several personnel having major health issues at early age.Do your expansion practically. Not beacause the guy next door is doing 100 pounds more, He must be likely a professional.Take your strides with calculated risk.
Redefine boundaries:
Your vigour and vitality are of unique importance. So add healthy rather than mere wealthy. Learn, collate, set practicable aims. Redefine your limits and reward yourself regularly.
Do your best on anti-aging. First gently identify and Kick off those agents that stealthily present your with comfort zones at highly concessional rates. Get ideas and insights of green Superfoods and berries that enhance your vitality and keep up your hormonal population.
Love life more:
Yes , many are there giving helpful shouts and saying “Love your Life”. Thanks to them all. I will add here. New soft skill to learn I am glad to suggest here. To love life more is to be able to celebrate victories of others. Produce tons of gratitude in your pre-frontal cortex,
Peer approval:
Peer approval is preferable. Not mandatory. For you will stop living your own life,IF you seek it in totality and start relating it in every walk of life. At work is okay and fine. to a feasible extent. Apart from this, your own wish and will should reside on cloud nine.
Societal respect:
Yes, ethics , decorum matter. This should be observed but in limits. Dont allow even where your integrity will be taken for a regular ride. Not time to please one and all in the surroundings. Only where it works and gels. As all have their own predominant pathways of analysis and perception.
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