Workplace Chat-nots what and what not to
Keeping your creative buds secured
Quote :
“Your focus should be to get better at what you are doing, Everything else is complete wastage of time” – Marcus Aurelius
Workplace Chat-nots:
Do you know that several years ago average person used only 10 percent of his potential, other 90 percent was left unused in lifetime. New research indicates that now average person uses only 2 percent of his potential, 98 percent persons invested during their lifetime. Even the 2 percent is mainly used in tweeting, talking to friends and colleagues at workplace, I-pad, I-phone, FB, IG or X. So, in short the point I wish to drive home here is being original and spend your precious time and limited daily mental energies on developing yourself and helping your near ones develop. This is presented on a lavish platter much in elaborate form and supported by relatable quotes per chapter in my book Live your Life. Each chapter crafted to send you off gracefully. With a USP at end of each chapter as a friendly bye-bye parting message for those who are too busy to read entire chapter contents. Avoid surfing pages that glitter and just dont relate to you.To people who make no difference in your lives by due respect to their dearest professions. And in sort don’t be a mass follower to a channel as all your colleagues throwing to it regularly driving validation by staying updated on a theme of things that you really don’t fancy in actual.
In short , a careful, experience led and well crafted plan can help you stitch a clinical fabric that helps you to safely develop and navigate a sound communication strategy at workplace.
Personal Chatter:
Discussing your health issues will make you appear weak kneed even if you are not so in reality .The media ads are packed with disease resistant antidotes instead of focus on happiness promoter chemical free remedies. This may deprive you from engaging in challenging and result oriented projects .The health word gets carried over fast and sooner the company might be looking for a replacement even if you are time off for a minor viral infection of seasonal nature. So learn to check before words are allowed to flow out, especially in a sensitive place like workplace.
Some colleagues may not be in a frame of mind to know what is your family doing and going through. Especially this act in work hours should be a strong No-No. Silence is also a sign of strength or self-awareness. Get clear and be well aligned to match your goals with your capabilities. Many are in a rat race and few have the time and patience to know about your love life. Say breakups or current steady. Steer to show your weaker side of emotional haulage or dependencies.
It won’t take time to become talk of the town. Happens quicker before you set out to imagine. A new work related idea that you shared won’t accelerate so quickly as much a raw and freshly grilled gossip croissant.
Taking frequent breaks from work. When to take the plunge in, when to jump out. Knowing your radius of interest. When to detach and walk into your focus zone. Knowing how to manage emotions better. Awareness of doing as much required, than getting clumsily overloaded by the inability to say NO. Do all possible to Up your work performance Analytics Everyday.
Board Criticism:
A smart person may keep collecting your woes pretending to sympathize with you. Then swiftly head and regularly feed the target management representatives with political nutrition. Something unfortunately some company management  prefers scoring high on gossip dashboard than sincere and qualitative work ethic .As well as weak links govern the roost. This might ensure the transfer agent higher berth in upcoming financial appraisals of the annum under concern. The equation here becomes indirectly proportional. Here you start going down and that person starts climbing up his career ladder towards the topmost shoe of the ladder rung. Research, learn to get a trick everyday that gears you up on wisdom and knowing what to say, when and when not. We can’t be perfect but ,can sure practice.
Mischievous Gas-lighters:
Many many thrive and survive on gossip. Sad that so much time per capita is spent on gossip instead of on self focus and to peak productivity objectives. Gender is no bar. Many men are also experts in this substandard act and continue to vibrate with their like minded souls of gossip inventory. These entities are often endowed with tactics to revolve around surrounding people than sound projects.
They know how to trigger the change of your stable mental state into a erratic one. Shift your mood. Boil you up. Lead you to a corner or the direction they want you to get in a state of rest.
Camp culture flourishes almost in every smart city and every places. So please get advance wise and wary of the gaslighters who will give you their expert  designed initial uplift .
 Those at loggerheads now unify. For you are the latest bait. Similar to a university ragging of a new joinee student by a large group of students. With this common interest , they unify with no time . These are one of the power moves that most gas-lighters thrive on.
Sour Success:
Life is full of experiences. Attention span of humans is now in seconds. Say five to seven. Time is precious item for all. Time is money. So limit the verbal chatter to far from abundant. So tell experiences that help the organization, your career, your or someone else’s professional or personal growth. Sour experiences are for one to crawl on the juice and distill off the rejects. Go to dish out advice only when asked.
Avoid eagerness to unravel pathways of your success stories. You will just fill empty vessels with readymade nectar. Ready to be mugged by these posted messengers. Secure yourself from the drive to release the pandoras box of your past success stories. Keep your Kaizens with you. Instead box them up to spike your positive energies. In Japanese cult of creative work, Kaizen means “improvement”.
In Japan they promote and recognize creativity to sustain mental flow state of citizens (not much apparent emphasis on netizen thing) rather than ton of podcasts on how to make billions. For negative species will extract all the mint out of your frame. Use and throw types they are. Few moments of validation showers may lead you to deeper trouble puddles.
Camp Culture:
Caste, creed, color, language or region give less as far as basic needs fulfilment and change of mindsets matters. Taking sides on basis of any of above indices is amateurish, and childlike. But flourishes and nourishes . Temporary and short lived.
People don’t have time for themselves. Rarely anyone has time to listen and reciprocate to a unasked advice. No doubt to thinking of bittersweet reasons why gratitude underscores big time on online landscape. Although intended for other persons benefit .So unless you are asked for , just keep it with you. For there are people who will take, it ,use it and declare your unsound in return. Unless you an area expert and hired as a Consultant, just keep your generous trap shut.
Cultural Inclinations
Going more to impress ones of overseas and host culture won’t always pay decently. Better be open to working in multi-cultural work environment. You are here for betterment of yourself and the organizations. As a coach, I got chance to work with people of several cultural backgrounds. It altered my perspective to life. In my career spanning more than a decade of working in hazardous offshore oil and gas fields, I got to work with colleagues of six to seven countries. Each group with different set of personal core values and priority areas. One cannot typecast humans by location specific approach. Different mix of trails is found all over the world. They all taught me and left me richer on this before meeting them.
Lookahead Plan:
Secure your goals and bulletproof your look ahead plan. If unprotected, and revealed in advance even to the most trusted confidante, becomes quickly viral and spreads in no time. They suck out the juice from your feed and instantly render you less like residual strands of dewatered sugarcane shoots. And lead you into by-lanes as mundane of less use anymore. Causing you loss of not only monetary but mainly the wisdom fortune. So conserve and uncover it only at a forum where you deem by gut and when that it is actually called for.
Display of possessions may start arousing envy and contempt from corners that were upto now all around for you. No need unless you are in a world of showbiz or a movie star.
I take home this much per month and you take home that much. They take home so much with so less work done. This is a hazardous rant to utter. Lowers your vibrational frequency level inflicted by the type of person you tag along with for most of the time.
Amplify your core capabilities and lookout for better work of your choice. Comparison will never make your replete. A soundly wired habit of comparison could be a result of the forming years see it as a inbuilt factor mostly governed by your near-dear and community environment. Don’t reveal if you have multiple income streams apart from your mainstream work discipline. For it is sure shot free invite to self-trouble in leaps and mounds, not bounds.
Quote – Take early your abundance flight – Surjit
Approval Seekers:
Curb the pressing tendency to give too much information to please others and keep team players arrested on coefficient of attention. Like being consistent yes-men or yes-women in every situation even when you know something is not correct. This is deemed as a weakness of character and high degree malleability of integrity. For it will push you far always ahead with your words and then you know words once released cant be taken back. No power of intelligence can do this.
Stormy Calm:
A possible scenario that surfaced is the company has not fared well this year. Some few selected persons still got that typical big bracket basket of perks despite the management slow down. In this circumstance the obvious possibility is that you slip and release all the pent up venom in front of the management messenger. So stay as if nothing unusual has occurred. All is well.
Keep working after work to upgrade yourself with a plunge into the better position in organization better than this one. Thank these negative ignitors. .
Outsourcing Chores:
Could be you have those special skills required by your company periodically. Keep them to you. Ensure only you and the management knows about it. Certain works that require huge time investment to accomplish and otherwise have to be outsourced. Extensive quantum of payroll services required ,expertise in PERT/CPM or in 3D Engineering drawings interpretation. Adding feathers to your wingspan in long term overall growth.
Detach Quickly
Do your thing and depart with regards to the situation and environment. Strings attached weaken your potential to clearly analyze and move forward. Buy and forget. A recent interview of a celebrity where he shares that he detaches from properties, projects quickly.
Asking help too frequently can be mistaken as shortage of competency. In certain instances this can be blown out of proportions and linked to more frequent doubts of similar types raised. Especially if right questions are asked to wrong persons in succession within short period of time. The green area here to encash is to do good advance preparation. Slowly understand the layout of processes. Get clarity and hold of your roles and responsibilities. Study the history of your business. Deep-dive into common problem areas. Rather get better prepared for a series of sudden technical queries that maybe raised. Utilize your research and history data to chart out a fishbone of likely hurdles. Keeping stock of solutions with your custody only. If not protected, it may soon belong to somebody else in very next leadership meeting. Here element of ego may make a difference of millions. Instead, pray to God and talk to Him, or the Divine Source of Energy.
Predicting trends:
They are able to foresee shifting trends. Here reference is to shifting entire base of the existing camp. Bigwigs bring along with them the key team from another company and take them along with them. Ones who are non-political and neutral do survive in every face-off scene. So immature and superficial these entities are on camp culture that work processes and competence don’t hold much importance for them except their weak link syndrome.
To leave the spot when the design task is put through at its finished state. There is not much time to waste until of sufficient purpose to hold on. Get to know on habits to now and do more accurately on this. Get to know where to be there and for long.
Quote –
Its only through listening that you learn, and I never want to stop learning- Drew Barrymore
Lacking Direction:
Focus and investment of energy in unwanted landscape. This occurs when there is lot ice to be broken within teams .Some people don’t gel well and the scope of work remains hazy. Teams may go deep into unsupervised work in a area that was just not expected to be visited at all.
Talk less here and hear more especially when you are new to this organization. So you get known to the terrain and communication pathways that run within and across your new workspace. Boastful pretenders are another common operating species. These are not rooted in the conversation. Have surface knowledge but are good at pitching themselves. Just to make others feel their presence for namesake.
Sleep Quality :
With a properly designed pre-sleep method, gently surrender to the sleepy hours .For timely and abundant secretion of melatonin. Sleep inducing hormone. This normally sums up to a well laid routine with conscious awareness on various fronts to discourage excess digital immersion and numerous other sly means of distraction. With a good sleep cycle, you will most likely exist with sane and sound trend of circadian lyrics through the day. Avoid extra and beyond normal pangs of behavior.
In parallel, is equally vital to finding slot time to meditate. Cool down the ups and down thought waveform. Just sinking into it at public transport, car, tube, or while at work as well. Meditation has turned some high energy youngies into multi-millionaires today. So slide into these few segments of meditation few times a day can land you into a plum landscape of enviable wisdom and razor sharp acumen. Lessening chance of any communication slips here.
Passive income lens:
You maybe meeting your regular expenses on passive income streams than on monthly paycheck . Your income streams may as well be multiple and of diverse disciplines with affiliations to support. Each stream allows some liquid gold to trickle in regularly. .Hardwired with the lens of knowing what to give out, when to give and how much to give out. At a crucial lead meet than a work break unofficially official verbal chat.
This point is added in bit more detail just to say to not to disclose your means of banking and avoid making it loud that you are not in use of credit cards. You maybe meeting your regular expenses on passive income streams than on monthly paycheck . Slay contenders by “don’t give advice until asked” theme.
Speaking Frugally:
Spend on learning. Less on splurging only because the neighbor or colleague is doing it. You maybe running your routine expenses on passive income returns .And spend from capital gains they earn. Some unaware persons spend their monthly earnings on expenses that were unwanted. Postpone most such talks where your gut says so. That feeling is real and original. For better future security payoff than short term validation. .
the rate of interest on your fixed deposit instruments.
Learn to Listen:
Keep aside multi-task and listen well when receiving promotional marketing calls. Enlist experience trigger notes. Uncover areas untouched .Look for the unspoken parts. Avoid getting mellowed by accents and slangs. Throw back quick questions during upgrade persuasion calls.
They don’t nurture camp culture. Neither Gaslighting tools .Nor gossip potions. They sink in what looks classy to them either or professional or personal front. This becomes one more reason to know why. Complaining seldom. To hardly complain, And find way out smartly. By themselves, or by resource use.
Quote: “Victim-speaks while days, Changers create ways”- Surjit
Saying NO Often
Don’t say Yes to please. Avoid unwanted haulage later. In some events it is good to say I don’t want it or polite, I am not interested. For many of us it is STRESS to say NO direct upfront. Ability to say NO is known to be one of the qualities of Successful people. Some people are too emotional and cannot say NO to what is not convincing. Learn to say NO politely and firmly. This is where they lose on many grounds.
They have mastered that Art of Patience over the years. Before turning successful. They know and inherently possess Patience in reasonably good inventory. Keeping grudges a No-No. Not allowing negative emotions like old grudges to outweigh. As old haulage drains creative energies and negatively impacts overall growth in all spheres of life. For you and the other upfront.
Game-Changing Tool:
Look at Problem than the Product. Instead of going ga-ga over your own product in roundabouts, try to see what problem your customer facing on hand .So that you can seriously serve.
On a relentless mode. So they think of no other than you during a U-turn return. Similarly reach to those blogs or websites where leading personalities keep dropping their honey drops from time. None of items discussed ahead are personal to anyone.
These are collection of experiences to share. So you audience galaxy get your pick of insights. Spiced with generous potions of humour .The hitch being that continuing with these tips in the flow state will morph this post into an e-book. And our time is a vital statistic.
********************************************************Quote –
Solutions are like minions. Look around and they start jumping around you all over–Surjit
Zero Gossip Soup:
A no-no. Many groups isolate you when you tend to be silent on back biting. Keep it up Stay classy and exist on near zero gossip soup. Dreaming with objectives is great Getting mentorship or help with a structured framework is dessert over meal. Expecting someone to come and pick you up is like imagining a movie to turn into reality.
Ego Checks:
Ego balloons keep you in a narrow lane where many feel they know all about all. And the assumption with a few batch of persons that my near ones are always right. This is self defeating in reality. Ego is a volatile compound. Keep it rolled up your wardrobe. For it can cause blow-up if not in control. Mainly from the gaslighters and backbiters. So do your home work well.
Tie-up prospects:
Yoga instructor, motivational speaker, health club instructor, author and book exhibition display, author page link display, seminars, motivational speaking sessions, leading thoughts workshops, sustainability Improvement tips , tag to promotional offers. Set intermittent alarm to remind this. Not a bad idea again.
Informal reunions:
Informal  gatherings are a great way to build and re-build lost or weakened connections that have lost vigour out of your routines of locations in distant parts of the world. This is a place where people dish out on gifts, food, wine and lounges. Many of these are not direct payments and are debt driven. Small now, quickly grows into a tree of high outstanding if gone unnoticed. I mean again to know what to deal around. Having emotional intelligence to hover around certain current issues. Knowing how the agenda outline of the occasion is and accordingly packing in your advance strategy. On grounds of notes, your Mac book presentation, trend analysis of current business dashboard.
Within means:
Looking at celebrities in the IG,X, some cant resist visiting exotic locations at best plush locales and high-end stay-ins on a frequent basis than within the means. Celebrities make money in their day to day chores do you make it too. Again adds to overload and accumulates in the instalment segment.
Professional upkeep:
While the kids and spouse take rest or go to the property garden for playing and recreation, professional development is immensely vital. Better the spend here takes on books and courses, memberships and digital magazines. Instead of fancy for that large TV, go for your portable  library. The large TV you may have hanging at your hotel room  is a behind the scenes indicator of potent time and energy drain machine .Certain companies install intranet varsities for learning courses that relate to business activities the organization invests in.Some minutes can be kept aside per day in pursuit of these or in self development even while on a staycation. Don’t loose touch with your granular focus. These are collections of experiences to share. So the audience picks insights and there is no FOMO about it.
Beware and weigh on what you say in workplace. It comes back.
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