Emotional Fitness Soft Skill Well being Uplift

Go for roadmap to extend longevity and ace vigor

Barrier free life design strategy

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” Zig Ziglar.

Brain wiring & firing

Here we touch base and take off with the topic of extending of your longevity. How several lifestyle factors determine its influence. Mediterranean diet is said to be the best in the quest of achieving your 100 year mark. How about stay and holidaying in the blue zones instead of flocking where the entire world is flocking during vacations .

Mindful nourishment, moderate physical self care,mental meditative refurbishment are key markers.

By movement, it is hinted at a strength training session of 2 to 3 times a week, alternated with light variety types of exercise, or a low speed long duration brisk jog. Playing imaginary hockey, catching a imaginary hen would be great.

Encode belief in divine intervention, helpful spiritual rituals, praying for good of the Universe. For that matter in a nutshell, to align with a belief, a religion. Some leading happiness experts say having a faith for life philosophy creates a joyful state of being where you discover meaning of your life, so you are able to align and work inline on your purpose of existence.

Happy relationships lead us to helping you live happy in decades to come. With the aggressive advent of social media, it is now worthwhile to pitch for success of others positively and celebrate it with a heartfelt emotion. Than to ace, ape and try to supersede every other person in the world.

Just like Taylor Swift. She says living a happy, successful, And meaningful life comes to five simple things: balance success and happiness, power of solitude, goal formation and providing solutions where asked for.

Bluezone centenarians

Bluezone persons and their humbly easy yet difficult to follow lifestyle choices are the in-thing and currently trending all over on the longevity  billboard. The zone is inhabited by large population of centenarians, the antioxidant rich diet they follow, the exercise and movement they do is noteworthy. More important is the optimally less time they binge on digital immersion.

Here by rainbow, it is meant to resort to VIBGYOR colored. The more variety your diet has from plant base. Downsize as much as possible , the ultra processed foods such as biscuits, confectionery, breads, synthetic jams, dressing ,artificially flavored spreads , marmalades and so on. Ones that trigger a negative effect on food particle breakdown and roadblock for the gut microbiome to work efficiently. Subsequently impair our wellness quotient over a period of time. On physical front, by 35  years or so around of age, sacropenia or muscular thinning with age onset starts taking toll in tandem.

Above all , your health and longevity is by the ease of flow of food ingested through the terrain of  intestinal tracts. How colorful it was and how do you thought and felt while eating it. Renders a lot to the role it was designed to do. For your happy emotions are known to well influence the growth of happy biota population resident in your intestines. Don’t buy probiotics, prebiotics. Mindful eating has it all.

Daily gratitude pie

A simple yet deep and meaningful theme to build upon. It helps one in remaining grounded and earthed, but without suffering the electrical shocks in case of electrical short circuits. It’s safe enough not to inflict any harm or damage to anyone. Spreading happiness is an amazing activity. It primally keeps the cortisol multipliers vortexed at bay.

Happiness is a skill-Surjit

 Happiness habituates you to be present in the moment. It promotes clarity of thought. And fosters imparts renewal  of thought pattern furthermore when regularly practiced. Slowly shifting towards making it second nature. More happy and cheerful you are, better the focus and  magnified are the results at volume and extent of valuable impact. For more insights and tips, feel free to access 6 rare behaviors that speak your happiness bar .Acts as a portable built-in device to keep T-cells / telomere length at their optimum limit of elongation. Enables it to be possible for you to exist in a state of free thought. Heartfelt thanks to this energy that prompted me to write down the quotes and captivate them in the form of slides. It gives an entirely different depth to the message, combined with a picture.

Morning Autopilot

Gift your self few gentle stretches to get rid of muscle stiffness. Neck, back. And the very vital section of the core. Getting programmed for the morning mill on auto pilot preferably since early childhood is a boon. I got it as a boon.

My childhood day jumpstart anecdote:

I would rush down 3 floor levels with a can of milk to refill from a shop little far and pick our newspaper for day ,ascend back 3 floor levels. Then go to school by 0730am. It taught me to scale leaps and bounds over those broken and deformed wooden stairs. What was a difficult to push this task every dawn since raw childhood .While my siblings continued to be surrendered in to the realm of deep sleep. That now stands turned into part of my wellness model that many look forward to learn and stay gelled within.  

Does not matter much if you don’t want to compete the sun at dawn like the 5AM Club by thought leadership mentor of our times , Robin Sharma. Remains to arrest that whenever you kick-start the day in morning time, it is a swell feeling to put your well rested frame through a rigor of movement to warm up yourself and put the blood in greasy circulation.

 Digital soak pit

Many of us start our day soaked with the social media banter. Some social media, some political engines, and hopefully may more on self development strategies under reshape. A short peek by determination just to see how your near ones and shut off is fine at dawn outbreak. But priming your brain by the freely offered toxicity and go by its induced content until end of the day is avoidable drainage of mental and physical health assets.

Instal pre-sleep rituals

Investing time by awareness on regular repairing neurons by minimizing  digital swimming. With so much now discussed about neuroplasticity and neurological function. Lot of  focus on sleep quality and the rituals calibrated to facilitate top class sleep patterns. Keeping your devices say 30 minutes before hitting bed. Reducing the light intensity for silent shades to crawl in. Clean-up of the entire upholstery and bed. Light colors in the sleep zone. Not taking a long mobile call will help or otherwise destroy your sleep session, yearned for. Use of perfumed candles made of organic items. Use of chamomile tea with leaves of mint, moringa seeds .

“I measure success by how many people love me.”      Warren Buffet

Childhood  return

Post lethargy for toss.The yearn to jump into childhood once again everyday and at every opportune moment should not diminish .By adding good velocity to your energy, levels of happiness and vigour to stave off discomfort and diseases at far off distant lands. Try playing hands free hockey, intermittent stretches of lumbar, sacro-cranial, abdominal muscles, playing with a medicine ball ,a BOSU Ball at home..

Playing with your kids or grand-children as per age group. Having the drive to alternate between core workouts and optional form of activity related sports. Occasionally go to football field and practice some free kicks into the goal post. Speaking at local county and rise to being a celebrity performer, or a known thought leader.

Anti- Aging forte

Knee sockets, muscle ligaments, hip flexors ,cranial cartilage, stay strong as the age ingress caves in. So possibility  of developing bone health  issues are reduced, delayed or permanently postponed in support.. Few or no visits to physiotherapy clinics and consulting doctors. Apart from firming you with a strong core, squats help intonation of your abdominal muscles as well. But, you have to do the work.

As long as you keep yourself active and renew vigour unstoppably, you do not give to aging process.You age but biologically stay active. Biological age check is a very good biohack to stay regularly updated of your longevity and personal vigour update.

At the minimum ,walking helps maintaining your energetic level.. If you give in to prolonged sitting or bean bag type of life, and don’t walk as per your age. your hipbones and flexors will just submit submit to oncoming years.Walking helps burn excess calories and raise oxygen transfer across your system. Reward yourself with a gait of a person in mid-twenties or early thirties. All we spoke about in the previous chapter when herded ,for sure will add to solidify stability of your core and physical balance, irrespective of age.

Your posture and its firmness reflects your take on this aspect of longevity. Although the aging mill might have begun to roll up, your stability should be preserved to be in intact zone of health .And offset anti-aging effects for long times to come. Exposure to injuries by loss of balance will be minimized and rigidity of movement due to joint stiffness can be left well rounded.

Retirement ecosystem

Here is where self-doubt may find forage and pasture to germinate. As per inc.com, in a article Barabara Corocan of Shark tank said that this little voice in your head telling you that you are not good enough. So important to make all the efforts to build yourself up than tear yourself down.To convert this message into a driver of growth is a great go-to for everyday practice. She says people think quite highly of us than we think .People will judge us less harshly then we think they’re going to do so.

Are you doing any of these:

A dawn outbreak gratitude prayer to soak in,

Request daily divine support,


Few slugs of basic breathwork,

A medley of exercises,16 to 20 min,

Compare with self,

Sickness at Bay

General cold, cough, fever are kept aside. Did you practice  inhale and replete fresh oxygen into your bloodstream. Thus viruses and germs are rejected out from making  active sites. These get dislodged through exhalation airways and periodic air changeouts. Helps to counter attacks by pandemic viruses upfront. Weaken viral infections by building good immunity.

 Vigour your second backbone

Imagine how it would be if you are 90 or 100 years old and still raring to go multiple miles ahead. Driving by yourself. Delivering as a speaker in stadiums. You would still be reigning in your game and delivering to your clients. For sure, they will keep returning to you for the services you have been offering them for decades, which have gone by like the grains of sand passing through your fingers or like your kids growing up. Be aware of your circadian rhythm and its trends on regular behaviour. Try to get the peaks fine-tuned from time to time. Pick a time in the morning and exercise at least 4-5 times a week. Do the routine even if there is a lethargy bubble pushing you down or an energy sap cloud hovering around you. Once exercise is permanently installed and included in your routine, missing out on even a day to unknown reasons.

Select whatever mode you like—cardio, weight training, sprinting, meditation, yoga, tabata, plyometric feats—and be consistent in your practice. Yoga also serves in diverse categories. Choose the one which is suitable for you and work towards achieving excellence in your preferred sector of fitness and respective field of work.

 â€œRich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.” – Zig Ziglar Make yourself presentable, work on your body language, and improve your speaking skills. Let your words reflect dignity and kindness. When you try to promote learning as beneficial for others, it is received with deep respect, love, and grace. This will ensure that it is readily imbibed by those who seek experienced advice from you. Do not be afraid to fall, for every rise with renewed vigour marks the beginning of an epic era of a splendid display of your ORIGINAL talent. In brief, develop and keep up the grit. You will fall many times and often, you will be injured. Remember the deep gash in mind. So that you are reminded you of all that you have achieved and the peaks you conquered. Enjoy the rigour, with your fulsome vigour. Experience the development process as a memorable journey.

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” – Rumi

Nurture Growth Mindset

It is hard to stick to good habits for long. Probably sometimes we are also too harsh on ourselves by consistency on the rat race of self care. Let there be variations once in a while like a shorter workout today. A periodic solitude chill than a unmissed grueling HIIT session. Scribble few notes today than a daily page of goals. Being reasonable and just to oneself is as vital as being ruthless on usual basis. You’re doing it for yourself and by yourself. And not as someone else is doing a thing.

At the same time, procrastination should not creep in.As it becomes a habit when layers of unwanted externals are allowed to start piling up on us over time. Because to form takes consistent effort, to come only a pack of frail cards.

Keep learning and renew your credits. Leave away temporary laurel of this achievement and don’t turn complacent. This will start stunting growth. Be on lookout and  renewably seek what is undone. Look at the exterior, and more the interior. There is a good amount to address. Make a list of positives and negatives. Evaluate and keep proceeding. Don’t lose focus. Put ego on the doormat. It will inhibit your growth, and leave you out of occupation.

Habits shape our long term work and ability to deliver endlessly. Some sustainable ones lead to big changes.A specific type of thought pattern is required to get a slot in the Leading thoughts club.

Activities and choice done over a period of time compound into SIP (Systematic investment plan ) type cumulative returns. Same one that finfluencers generously teach rampantly on social media. Such habits promote sustained focus, provide platform to stay put in the desired cone of vision .So long term and say everlasting success and longevity here become easier to nail and ace.Long term success is restored.

So key sustainable habits that will enable good offerings in long term are as enlisted here:

  • Staying humble amidst success,
  • Learn and renew,
  • Respect others, harmony is great tune,
  • Believe in yourself
  • Invest wisely
  • Practice gratitude
  • Know micros and macros
  • Open to admit mistakes and errors,
  • Stay with roots and respect where they come from,
  • Gossip near zero,
  • Nullify comparison,

Unchain yourself from earlier oldish thought patterns. Your brain does not know your age. Drain outdated and unsound sponge.

Nothing makes you work like a deadline.

“Savour each gifted day with a unique flavor, for design excludes comeback facility.” – Surjit

  Beat the Stressors (BTS)

“Upkeeping peak health as your second backbone.”  Stress is a killer. Kill it daily. Make it a daily habit. A permanent ritual. Drain the ego container daily morning , along with grudges and vengeful feelings and feed them to a perfumed garbage bag .More ego yields proportionately high stress. Let these get diluted by quality of speaking pure truth and compassion. Stress is also interpreted as a “enhancer” by some luminaries so all stress is not bad. One that challenges and drives you to amp and ace is good for your growth. To ultimately get atomized with ultra-fine particles of organic thoughts. Suggest ways to people through which they can de-stress. Focus on the importance of yoga, meditation, exercise and the positive impact it exerts on your overall neurobiology. Keep throttled the cortisol growth by stringent checks. Do everything possible to keep it suppressed. How many people did you leave better than when they met you today? How does gratitude help in keeping stressors bottled up?

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

  Celebrating Micro-wins  

It is a gift to have knowhow on how to celebrate micro-events in daily life. Every day presents opportunities. It is our responsibility to identify these and reshape them as micro-achievements. Subsequently  to enlist and keep these refreshed as lifetime assets. To treat these as commonplace feats or to showcase these outcomes after significant quantity of efforts and grime invested is for us to arrive at our own delicious choice. It has to be genuine as mere enactment done to attract someone temporarily will not have the natural hue to it. Also, it will determine the class of the product that germinated after the raw materials were sowed into its production. Even if you are right at work, and someone else tries to prove you wrong out of ignorance, don’t blame the person openly. Talk to them without anyone present and try to explain to them why they should not have said/done what they did. The word will make rounds and travel well inside the layers Aspire to Inspire of their subconscious mind. They gets an advantage and your objective will be fulfilled as well. But you need to show your genuine work to those in question in order to establish that timely action has been taken, or it may result in the sliding of your scale of market value and work ethic.

Meaningful  connections

Keep growing on meaningful networks. They teach us something new daily and at different times of the day. They add new angles to feathers of our thought.To our otherwise plateau type pattern of thinking pathways. Lead and guide us to look at the spread of possibilities instead of adopting a less realized  conventional  outlook. Now, just listen to your focus pattern and download all these into your daily writing chore adding a lot more dropdown options to select from.

How does the water not drop out even though it exists in such a large quantity? How does the aquatic life not fall apart out of the circumference of the globe from its periphery?

Mind boggling, isn’t it? A typical day that comprises of meetings, talks, setting leadership examples, preparation of reports. Analysis of production trends. Factors adding to ups and downs. Peek into aura and unique charisma of luminous personalities that influence us to think larger, and behave in a more wise and sane manner.

“Minimize cravings, and calibrate your best self.” – Surjit

Surprise comfort zone

Bean bag is representative of  high altitude comfort zone pocket. As well it is a silently dangerous prompt of  comfort zone. Don’t be very hesitant about taking any unexpected ingress of some extra workload that comes to you without any prior information. As so rightly said by some of management gurus, one of the most important things about communication is hearing what isn’t said or spoken. Simple, yet powerful and impact laden thought. Focus on this, and not only will it get well recorded but stay captured if the reader or listener gets the essence of this free enlightenment hamper token. So, stash away the bean bag and store it only for occasional appearances. Do not let it seduce you into laziness. It might be very happy to induce thinking it is doing its job very well by over delivering. And under-promising as it cannot talk, but it can definitely regulate our movements by inaudible invitation. As even looking at it can make us surrender to it easily.

Do write or call back if doubts or a comment to post.

Is your focus bubble firm enough? Feel great to strengthen it?

Keep Auto-renewed…..

Drop n a line of comment .Join my audience group.

Have a look at my digital offerings.

Work email : touch @surjitletsgrow.com

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