Mindfulness Peak Productivity

3 Simple tips to up level your safe productivity

Accidents cost a lot. The U.S. National Safety Council (NSC) reports that the direct financial costs of workplace injuries exceed $170 billion annually.

Never ASS-U-ME when it comes to safety. Such a take may end making an Ass of You and Me. Whether we are talking of industrial set-up or domestic vestibule. Incidents costs dearly. It all boils down. To OUR safety attitude in professional and personal spheres of life.

Slips, trips and falls are common causes of accidents . Irrespective of the patch where you operate. At home ,in play, at work or factory.

In general, Safety awareness is a function of your educational level to occurrence of wide array of real-time events. An interplay of sequence of activities routinely performed. May it be those daily chores. Reaching an event. A probable non-routine gig such as performing on stage. And/or for that matter delivering your go-for tasks.

Your safety rests in your hands. Glad to help you align on safety with this link. It helps elevate your awareness on providing safe working conditions powerful-buy-ins-for-safe-productivity-in-rough-weather/

1.What is a Risk.


Helping you cruising off with flow of this post with a real-time image of hazards and risks.

The attached image shows workmen at height on a construction project.

There are several risks around the workmen in above image.

No hard barriers to avoid fall from height.

No primary personal fall protection .

No safe means to ascend.

No signs visible signs to alert as a smart administrative basis.

Accidents hugely impact productivity and organization’s revenue. Moreover they impair employee morale. Add to cost billions of dollars every year around the world.

Accident cover cost per worker in 2019 neared $1,100 whereas cost per injury that required medical treatment approximated $42,000. Cost per workplace death put at $1,220,000.

Refer the following external OSHA link to get a short quick handy peek to evaluate cost of accidents.osha.gov/safetypays/estimator

There is presence of risk in all activities we perform 24 by 7.Hazard is a source or situation that can cause harm to you. Apart from directly impacting your productivity, your surrounding environment, and assets as well. It therefore assumes prime importance to get to know to identify risks. This is where risk assessment gains significance.

Smart and thoughtful control measures put timely in place reduce risk levels.

Tiger not in a cage or in a unsecured cage is risk.

Tiger secured inside a sound and robust cage is not a risk.

Finances well planned and done under an experienced advisor get managed risk-free.

As per my experience, finance management to advisors with less competence comes like marriage with a mismatched life partner. Fires back to poor recovery.

The important take here is not to quickly give-in to the marketing gimmicks in startup stage. Rather, meet the experts. Study their literature well. Get robust written commitment on your look-into items post analysis. They should be desperate to sell. You should not be desperate to buy. So, during market downfalls, you still keep your financial buoyancy afloat enough.

2.Method of Risk Rating

Risk in general is a function of probability and severity for a situation.

To further ease understanding, risks can be classified into Low, Medium or High. Yes, it is driven by individual stimulus and perception. For a given situation, a kitchen not equipped with a fire extinguisher is low risk. For some it may be moderate, or high risk. As a result, you opt to purchase a portable fire extinguisher. Install it, get trained on its use and get it periodically inspected as well. Low risk for me could be moderate for you and High risk for another person. The assessment is relative. But on practical basis, a risk should more commonly fall within a narrow bandwidth. Out of 100, 80 voting between Moderate to High and only 20 for Low drives us to zero on. Either a green area or a grey area.

As discussed earlier and above, tiger not in a cage poses risk of an attack with probability of an undesired injury of moderate or high risk. Better don’t visit themes where personal protection is inadequate. It can result in a fatality or permanent disability as well. So this is how we should do risk assessment.

3.Doing your Risk Assessment


Let me take you through a super-simple method of risk assessment.

Risk is by definition is a multiple of severity (extent) and probability (frequency).

Whenever we reject offers, we see risk in it. We instantly evaluate the risk level and give our decision.

Buying or not buying.

Getting buy-in or opting out.

This method aids us to decide on optimum choices in various streams of our day to day lives.

So do a simple and quick risk assessment. Evaluate and get moving way forward on your chosen avenues.

Sky is not the limit.


Get free read for yourself and your family

Safety is Productivity.

Accidents cost a lot.

Organizations spend dearly on Recruitment. And Much higher on trainings post recruitment.

12 thoughts on “3 Simple tips to up level your safe productivity

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